good monitors for the credit crunch...

T Leaf

Neighbourhood Sickhead
VIP Junglist
Apr 9, 2009
yeh i have been affected...

any ideas on whats a good bargain/quality trade off for some monitors?

nice one man, im taking a look as we speak, in all honesty i'd like some events lol or even alesis but im on a budget. maybe if i start selling tracks sooner or later i can get a better setup. currently using a pair of crap takmaster cans. so i have to have big breaks between each production session. i often have some online friends pass things through their analogue compressors too.
check out the clearance section on the dv247 website

i got a par of alesis m1active 620's for £100
:spam_signMate, Have a look at the Tapco(Mackie) S8 i brought these 3 years ago and still sound so fresh think u can pick some up for 200 a pair

doubt you would get a pair of s8's for that price now, everythings gone up.... you might get a pair of s5's though
I reckon 5 inch speakers can carry you very far for the money and without annoying neighbours also. When it comes to mark and model, you have a lot of options as well as opinions. But All you can do is pick a few tunes that you feel have good sound qualities and that you've listened to many many times. Then go to your local music gear retailer and ask if you can test them with your cd, or iPod or whatever. The choice is in the end yours. Don't buy what you hear from based on what you read.

But one mark that hasn't been introduced here yet (i think) are ESI nEar models, they come in 5 and 8 inch varietes and are very cheap, the smaller is 165€ per pair.
really? think they any good? cos im looking for any excuse not the shelf out with 500 eur +

fraid i might have to though, i wonder how these hold up compared to the rokit krk 8s
There's a pair of Alesis M1 Actives on eBay currently at £82 with 10 hours left, maybe worth a pop? I have these and I am well impressed with them for both mixing and producing. Not sure what you think about buying speakers of eBay so if you decide to then ask the person why they are selling them.|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318

The cheapest I could find them for new was £165 from here

P.S. Don't get Behringers, I'm just saying that from my personal experience.
nice one guys, thanks for the advice. i might go with a pair of Alesis. gonna check out a local shop for local people first :D test some monitors!
There's a pair of Alesis M1 Actives on eBay currently at £82 with 10 hours left, maybe worth a pop? I have these and I am well impressed with them for both mixing and producing. Not sure what you think about buying speakers of eBay so if you decide to then ask the person why they are selling them.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318

The cheapest I could find them for new was £165 from here

P.S. Don't get Behringers, I'm just saying that from my personal experience.

i use the 6.5" version of those monitors... happy with them so far, not been using them long though

not sure how the 520 would compare to them

i doubt those ones on ebay will sell for less than £100.... they got 17 bids already!! probably gonna be a big bidding war for them
had a listen man, they sound really crisp. now i gotta wait for pay day and rinse my money.

probably wont eat for about 2 weeks lol

really? think they any good? cos im looking for any excuse not the shelf out with 500 eur +

fraid i might have to though, i wonder how these hold up compared to the rokit krk 8s

I really wouldn't know, never heard 'em! Just mentioned them because nobody else had and I know they are cheap. But then again so are behringers, and to be honest they are better than their undeserved infamy.

I remember someone on the Grid rocking those nEar boxes though.
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