Gigabyte --- last track of 2k3

Holy Crap buddy, this is phat track!!!!! good build b4 the drop and then boom, nice heavy reece... been trying to get that sound ever since i started producing.. Spose i'll master it over time yeah??? Look forward to the next tracks you crank out, i'll give em a listen fo sho...
..JAISE...(BeatMech 101)

Acid planet has a bad straem by the way, it took me ages to listen to it coz it spends 50% of the time buffering.. got the gist though... Big Up Mate

One last thing, could you give my tune a listen, BeatMech 101 - The Wrath, Feedback would be appreciated... And i got another tune comin over the next coupla days.. Cheers bud
BANGIN intro and im diggin all the fx in the backround
but then when you got to the point before the drop it sounded like all the levels droped out? what happend
It started off so well, but after that the tune is plain damage.
Overall good work just fix that one part.

peep out my track when you get to it


Much Respect
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