illv said:
so, when is this mag rolling out?
bare with us!!! we are currently looking into including video and are looking for some one which has out the mag back a small amount...
the website is almoooooost done and its tantalisingly close now...
trust me all dis build up will result in an explosion of context madness!
we are compiling issue two into isseue 1 so its twice as big right now and are attracting the attention of some big magazines which we cant really say incase they want us to keep shtum!
i am soo sick of looking at the fuking thing now i tell ya!!! its gonna be worth it!
we need to set up a frame work that we can knock out other issues in and to get this right takes time!
i have been advised from some people who know their shit to not rush anything! and its all about first impac. So we are taking a breather and are gonna get the site upa nd then shortly after release the mag...
Vieo interviews with: Yungun, Skinny man, Karl Hinds, Subgiant. more tbc,
interviews with : pascal, john b, flight, storm, scratch pervs, fresh, dylan (website), dope ammo (if we can find their frikin phone number!), sdm (as part of our up and coming section), steam (top graf documenteur and friend of futura)
Reviews of : breakneck vs valve (yes remeber might bring back the memeories), freestylers, homelands inc. dizzee rascal, scratch pervs, dj die, marky, london electrity,
articles on; breakneck (keepin it real!), online mc battles, urban artists at festivals. plus more
give aways from THTC and MOIST (paul frank / addict)