As beeing in my little studio on these cold moody finnish winternights, i would love your opinion of the next tracks, both unsigned:
furi anga - vectorscan :: http://rmk.hamk.fi/~viitaan1/furianga_previews/furianga_vectorscan128clip.mp3
furi anga - zero charisma :: http://rmk.hamk.fi/~viitaan1/furianga_previews/furianga_zerocharisma128clip.mp3
thank you!
best regards'
antti aka furi anga
As beeing in my little studio on these cold moody finnish winternights, i would love your opinion of the next tracks, both unsigned:
furi anga - vectorscan :: http://rmk.hamk.fi/~viitaan1/furianga_previews/furianga_vectorscan128clip.mp3
furi anga - zero charisma :: http://rmk.hamk.fi/~viitaan1/furianga_previews/furianga_zerocharisma128clip.mp3
thank you!
best regards'
antti aka furi anga