Fl Studio 12 and ASIO


Jul 28, 2013
Just curious if anyone has had any issues between FL12 and asio4all ?

keep getting random static outbursts through monitors no matter what I do with the ASIO settings - shit is driving me crazy

using a Alesis io2 interface
Yea I do. But since installing it I never really touched the settings again... Or opened asio, for the matter.
I think I never even changed the settings

Are you sure it's because of the asio? Maybe try to change a few components so you can narrow the problem on one thing. Try if stays the same if you use headphones, a different interface (if that's possible), another driver maybe...
Ah yea that could be the issue also. If it's only when playing large projects, or projects with lots of cpu consuming vsts it's def that
You're absolutely sure it's not a plugin that's in demo mode/unregistered, and plays static noise to "remind you" that you should register?
Quite a few plugins do this.
yeah it was 100% RAM , i would screech even with no plugins and just looking through sample library - I had gone back to an old RAM setup as i need to adjust MOBO voltage i believe .

Problem solved - many thanks
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