First time playing DnB out...

Rob McIsaac

New Member
Mar 11, 2008
Alright people, Just been asked 2 play at a 21st. I've played out in clubs only twice before, neither for DnB, and it all went smooth but they were pretty short informal sets which were'nt planned.
I'll b playing with this other guy on and off 4 the night. the bord who's party it is wants chilled (more liquidy sound) at the beginning and then maybe mash up when the night gets going.
Basically I'm just wondering whether i should plan 1 liquid set and one heavier 1 or if i should just plan the heavier or neither etc etc....? any tips with this or anything to do with playing out would be really appreciated...
depends on how confident you feel about it all?
i mean, there's no harm in putting together a few 'combos' most djs do it, and know which songs work well together and which don't.
doesn't hurt to have some preperation, just depends on how far you want to take it. have a basic idea of what you want to play, at least. it's only a party i guess, it's not like they're paying to see you, so you haven't got to deliver big time ;)
yea i reckon it might b good 2 start at a party...i can get used 2 playing to a crowd with a lot less pressure. cheers 4 the advice, i think i'll do wot u say and just keep a few good combinations in mind.
If you are not comfortable just pulling tracks from your box you aren't ready to be playing out.


Have something ready for a warm-up, say 30 mins and then go with the flow. If your warm-up is going to clear the floor (check the dj before you) or keep it empty (ditto), chuck the warm-up out and pull records from your box. You have to know what goes with what AND what does what to what type of floor.

People are not coming to listen to your perfect bedroom set. They want to dance, get drunk and pull.