First go at producing dubstep...

that was.....hmmm.....interesting? lol i dont think i can pass judgment on this he he its definetly not my style of dubstep.
Production wise, you got alot of ideas crammed in there, overal it sounds quite cheap***** tbh, like the standard presets u get in fruity or summin. The riff is quite a good idea an the arrangement of the drums are good. Just the overall sound isn't full enough, layering is what your missing, and careful e'qin etc good ideas tho man, an for your first attempt well done! :2thumbs:

****Like a midi off a LG ringtone, i swear ive heard this before lol
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sounds kinda like a porno groove!
bass line sounds cool but maybe u shud change the synth
id get rid of the toms or watever they are the sound kinda cheesy.
like the trumpets or watever they are but sumtimes theres kinda to many goin on.
not a bad first effort man keep it up!

check out my new dubstep tune if ya can!
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Haha wasn't expecting any serious feedback but thanks anyway and sorry for pulling your leg. I made this on the shitter using the Sony Ericsson "MusicDJ".

Was quite proud of it anyway. Maybe I should take a step up to fruityloops!
Haha wasn't expecting any serious feedback but thanks anyway and sorry for pulling your leg. I made this on the shitter using the Sony Ericsson "MusicDJ".

Was quite proud of it anyway. Maybe I should take a step up to fruityloops!

yea iwas wonderin why it said
an i dont like bein harsh wen givin feedback cos u could of put a load of effort in an shit!lol