Finished my newest song, would appreciate some feedback.

hi maerode. love the vibes and melody lines in your track. nice cinematic tune. the drums though need some work. need to be way more in the front. try with EQing and maximiser plugin to add more punch!

Like maschinistom said, drums need some work...shame it is a classic amen oldskool break. Think about creating a break from scratch.

As maschinistom said I think it has a nice vibe, slightly moody and cinematic.

Its nice and clean, almost a little too clean in the synths which make it sound a little thin at the start.

It could also do with some distinction between the sections. If you were trying to mix it I think you may struggle to identify where each 16 beat segment ends as the drums don't really have a lot of variation or fills.

Nice work though.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I agree that the drums need some work, got the same feedback on dogsonacid, so I switched some snares and hihats around to create some different patterns throughout the song.
As for the synths being too clean, do you mean the main bass synth, or the brass one that comes in at certain points?
