Yea same - pre his 1984 LP.
Noticed you put the Calibre @ The Moat in your post. Have to say that was pure fire for vibes but loved the Survival & Silent Witness set that night. Last Outlook was madness. June Miller in the dungeon was right up there. from last year too
I saw Survival & SW that night as well. That was down on the stage next to the main stage yea? Next to where all the boat party boats were docked? Ridiculous set. I think Calyx & Teebee done a ridculous set on 17 decks as well or something; it was good but they kept teasing in older classics and then teasing them back out just before the that state I just wanted to hear the tune!
Yea I had serious post-rave/festival blues after returning from Outlook last year. Really, really tempted by Sun & Bass this year though...