Event Logo


VIP Junglist
May 23, 2008
I posted up a few weeks ago about an event i'm running in my home town and the launch was last Friday. It went down with an absolute bang and subsquently the owner of the bar want to run a night every 6 weeks.

So basically i wondered if there were any graphic design wizards that would be willing to throw together a logo for the night, then which ever one it like best, chuck a few bob over PayPal for their troubles?

Any help would be much apprieciated :)

The name of the night is "White Label DNB"

P.S Any ideas on a tag line would also be nice :wave:
Cheers dude, got your PM.

Post your stuff up here aswell if you want, totally up to? :)
Here you go fella


If the buttons look stupid, I can easily remove them, was just something I quickly knocked up.
The first batch are ready... I'm not sending the images from any web page so I'm slightly confused? how do you upload images from Illustrator into html into this web site?... Any advice would be much appreciated.
Really liking the yellow and white one on the second image :) looks realy swish, some other variations on that would be cool.. To compare like.

Cheers again Tanc
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