Evasion - learning to fly Ft Lori [DL available]

Nice tune, rate the bass very much! I feel like the snare is a touch too loud though, it's really slapping through the mix rather than sitting inside of it if you know what I mean? Could just be personal preferance but that'd be my only critique, lovely beat otherwise man, big up!
Thanks for the criticism Dakka. Bass may be bigger, but I left them as they were in the original tracks. Maybe it depends on what device you listen to this set. It's different on a reproduktors, it's different on a nootebook, it's different on a iPhone, and it's also different on a MP3s. As for the snare, I do not know exactly what you mean :)
Tune geez...nice crisp and punchy drums, plenty of bass, good production skills. On my first listen i could hear 'in my head' some extra reverb/delay on the two drum breaks you slot in around 3.44 and 3.49, just to jazz it up a bit...just thought it may add a little extra, not that it needs it...nice one.
Thanks guys :). I agree with the most comments some final touches etc can always be added but after working on something for a period of time you can lose that sense of direction with it and become too familiar with how it sounds, so that anything extra seems almost unnecessary!

Appreciate all the feedback, I also did a simple home master on this so I'm glad to hear everything Sounds relatively level (apart from maybe the snare, but the level of the main hits can Often be subjective to the creators idea of where it should be). I do often struggle to get that real subtle snare that does just enough in the mix..

Cheers :)
Thanks for the criticism Dakka. Bass may be bigger, but I left them as they were in the original tracks. Maybe it depends on what device you listen to this set. It's different on a reproduktors, it's different on a nootebook, it's different on a iPhone, and it's also different on a MP3s. As for the snare, I do not know exactly what you mean :)
Thanks for confusing the hell out of me, wondered if I'd opened the wrong thread, I guess you did.