

New Member
Sep 25, 2003
I used to have my high mid and low bands facing 180 degrees to the right, but recently changed them vertically upawards.. it seems to sound better, and i can turn the mixer up more..

Where's the correct place to have the eq bands, and how do you suggest to move the diffrernt bands when in the mix?
In general I have the EQs just past the middle (so about 1 o clock on the dial). On some tracks I adjust the bass (as the intensity of the bass varies alot from tune to tune) & I turn the treble up on some tunes if they've been recorded without much treble. I usually have the treble slightly higher than the bass.
When in the mix I only adjust the bass EQ. I use it to cut most of the bass from 1 of the tracks so the bass doesn't clash & usually switch which tune I cut the bass from at certain parts of the tunes.
also if you are bringing in a tune with lots of atmospherics and mid-range noise, you can cut your mid EQ a bit until you get properly in the mix then edge it in.
I like keeping the bass lower on my incoming mix too, then when you SWITCH!!

still very much working on EQing myself
As a general rule of thumb, i take bass out of the incoming tune, and as I bring that in, tease out the mids on the tune currently playing.. rarely mess with the treble too greatly, just to tighten the sounds up a bit so they blend better in the mix.. Keep that for the buildup then drop that bass when it drops..

Gotta love the EQ on/off on Allen & Heaths for this, gives a better impact on a lot of mixes than just ramping the bass knob back in

EDIT: so I coulda just saved all that typing, quoted mesh and given it the (y) hehe
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