Drum & Bass !!

Some really lovely elements in this track but at times they sound in conflict with each other, rather than working as a consistent whole.
not sounding bad, but still preffer your darker stuff =)
very good job anyway

---------- Post added at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

and btw i'd download it if you let me and play it in the start of my sets :P this track has propper energy
yeah i made all my dl open now ...download it if you want ...thanks ...btw i like neuro/dark more too sometimes i just get bored and do some weird things :D
Really good work. This track has so much dancefloor/banger potential. The only thing that holds me back a bit with this track is that the melody line (the synth stabs) isn't really that captivating.

Cheers for putting all your tracks up for download! Some amazing neuro tracks on there. I'll definitely be dropping a few of your songs in some sets!
big tune mate got a lot of potential, for me the synth hook needs a bit more presence/less noise or somethin but its just a matter of opinion.

definitely gonna be checking out the rest of your stuff man
Don't think I have heard your other tunes so I can't compare, this one however is really cool in my opinion! The intro is nearing 2 mins long which normally may not work but it sounds proper good here, if I am honest, I think I prefer the intro to the drop! :lol: Not that the drop is bad, very nice track :)