

Kentish Junglist
VIP Junglist
Nov 6, 2003
Maidstone, Kent
i just wanted to say i discovered this forum about 3 or 4 months ago and iv been on it nearly every day since. iv posted up problems with findin vinyl, tune ID's, technical problems with hardware, technical problems with software and everyones always been really helpful. so big big respect goin out to all the dnbforum moderators and just as much to everyon else who goes on the forum and puts in that little bit of effort to help others out. keep up the good work everyone! :2thumbs:
i just wanted to say i discovered this forum about 3 or 4 months ago and iv been on it nearly every day since. iv posted up problems with findin vinyl, tune ID's, technical problems with hardware, technical problems with software and everyones always been really helpful. so big big respect goin out to all the dnbforum moderators and just as much to everyon else who goes on the forum and puts in that little bit of effort to help others out. keep up the good work everyone!

Fook all the awards voted by Scallies in Burburry - DNBforum is number 1, bel'ee dat playa! (Y)
Yeah, and theres not a whole lot of attitude here either like on other simmilar boards. :2thumbs:
1992 said:
Yeah, and theres not a whole lot of attitude here either like on other simmilar boards. :2thumbs:

/cept for 1992 but he's allright
its true though isn't it, this place runs internet things
:banana: :rslayer: :tank:
Yes yes. I don't even know how i came about this forum. I think i was lookin' up some dnb ish and got linked to this forum. I registered bout several months and been swell since. Always get any questionz i have answered and the best news/updates in the dnb world up in this piece. Yah, no beefin' on this forum, not many player haterz that i have seen.
congrats :applause:, sdm + triple m and the the dnb forum massive. :lighter:
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yup DnbForum.com 's runnin' the bizz atm

although i registered on DnBforum.com just yesterday, i've been on DnBforum.nl (dutch forum) for a few months.
I have to say that the .com place is a lot better, cuz in the dutch forum there are a few peepz with an attitude problem (let's say they're warped like a really bad vinyl)

big up