Dnbforum soundcloud group


Aug 15, 2009
Maybe money/bandwidth is the reason why not, but I've been thinking about the way all the production competition tracks were handled there and put up in the forum soundcloud area. Call me lazy, but......I would listen to more users tracks if I didn't have to open all the threads and go to all the different hosting sites. The fact that there's a thread about people not giving feedback proves I'm not the only lazy ass around these parts.

If the soundcloud group page was put up as a sticky so people get to know about it and publish their tunes to that group I know I'd listen more if I just had to open one page and click play to get all the latest tunage. Just a thought.
And dare I say it what a good thought it is too! We should definately have our own page. Go..... Venture forth and create such a wonderful utopia!
Seems easy enough to set up a group, even the free soundcloud members can do it. I guess is all comes down to politics and whether the forum wants to be associated with soundcloud group for new tracks ???
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