DNB TV channel


Active Member
VIP Junglist
Feb 20, 2007
There needs to be one i know theres the odd tune on channel U but thats like pendulum shit! would be wicked if there was one

EDIT- i know there is dnbtv on breakbeat.co.uk but like on propa tv init..
I don't think there'd be enough listeners...pyro were trying to get on satellite radio but I don't think they could quite make it happen with the money side of things..

Would be wicked though, you could have vids from all the old raves, interviews etc
also if there was like sick tunes playing if they didnt have videos jus have pics and pics of nuff fucked people at raves and have pics off da narni shakers so u could even have a cheap wank!
lol..you reckon theres more nigerian film lovers than ravers in england?


YES.....you never seen Back to the Congo Pt.3 ?!!?!!?!

also if there was like sick tunes playing if they didnt have videos jus have pics and pics of nuff fucked people at raves and have pics off da narni shakers so u could even have a cheap wank!

Yeah they could show rave DVDs, and theres also a dnb video magazine called code of the streets, show that shit, also the Metalheadz documentary, production tutorials etc, theres loads of stuff you could have on there..
You could also get loads of fucked up ravers chatting shit to a camera!! and have 'gurn of the week' ... this is going places..
was thinking bout the idea last nyt

it wuld be fucking sick
bt fink bout it ud get all the greebs nd people who dont listen to it thinking they hard wen they flick on the channel wen actually they dnt av a clue about the true meaning of dnb ;)

dnb gta stay underground
I don't think there'd be enough listeners...pyro were trying to get on satellite radio but I don't think they could quite make it happen with the money side of things..

Would be wicked though, you could have vids from all the old raves, interviews etc

that would be sick