DnB compilations.....are they really mixed without digital help?......


Well-Known Member
VIP Junglist
Apr 4, 2011
maybe a silly question but are compilations mixed by named djs useing just 1210s or cdjs....cos is it possible to do sometimes an hour and half of mixing to perfection...i dont mean the odd clang but you cant even hear a track being nudged in the slightest.....i know these are pro's but its still human ear holes....

even some of the older jungle ones......long before digital era were mixed to perfection...how is this possible??....or is it the case that these djs are just DONS!!!
fuck knows...i always wondered how many times it took andy to record a nightlife album

this is what i mean....how pissed would you be if you fucked the very last mix and started again..and again...and again lol
Kasra fabric live, LTJ Bukem fabric live, I think hospital mix 6 by cyantific is done "live" too, but im not too sure on how many of the other big ones are
Hats off to the chaps that smash it out off the cuff though
i think they are done without help tbh mate , andy c i read once had 2 goes at doing nightlife 2 and you can hear bryan gees mixing on the first club sessions album, it would be good to pre plan mixes is suppose for a cd thats going on sale but most dj's worth there salt can do an hour to an hour and half without a cock up and with cdj's you cant really hear a nudge as much as with vinyl.
Depends on the DJ on this one. Some of them are off the cuff, some are planned but played live and some are just done on a computer.
hmmm i always thought most of em are done on computer to be honest, especially the really commercial ones but yeh depends on whos doing it i guess and for what purpose.
essential mixes, dnb wise eg( Brookes brothers + London Elek) im sure were done on computers, so no reason why a cd isnt done like that.
Possibly a DVS style sync up session maybe.... but then if you were to do that, then you might aswell do it live

---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:16 ----------

Depends on the DJ on this one. Some of them are off the cuff, some are planned but played live and some are just done on a computer.

Any solid examples...?!?
yeah..i mean essentual dnb, or jungle massive...the type you can get in HMV or get advertised on tele....they must be done on computers
yeah..i mean essentual dnb, or jungle massive...the type you can get in HMV or get advertised on tele....they must be done on computers

yeah agreed coz there shit and you can tell there pre programmed , but if a named dj is brining out a cd like the bingo sessions mixed by marky or nightlife with andy c etc and it was pre programmed thats a real mitsabishi moment for me , why would the dj put his name to it ?
Yeah it's a straight bitch move for sure. I'm always bitterly disappointed when I listen back to mixes and I can hear my mistakes, but it all adds to the charm at the end of the day, I'd have more respect for a DJ that does an actual LIVE mix a la Kasra.
Most of em probably are, unless it's obvious that they're not, will usually be heavily planned aswell, gettin permissions to play dubs etc..
I heard that andy c does his first time which is believable cos people on here do fantastic mixes on vinyl. They are famous dj's for a reason
Nah no-one can mix so well that you can't hear any bits where its out. Andy might do his mixes on vinyl, but if he does there is no way he mixes it all in one go. Some mixes are impossible to get perfect no matter how good you are, like ones where he mixes intros with nothing happening over them and they are perfectly in time. If anything he'll do one mix at a time, make sure its perfect and edit it together. And in an interview about it he said he kept changing bits at the last minute which basically means it was all made but then he edited bits to include different tunes, meaning it wasn't done in one go.
Nah no-one can mix so well that you can't hear any bits where its out. Andy might do his mixes on vinyl, but if he does there is no way he mixes it all in one go. Some mixes are impossible to get perfect no matter how good you are, like ones where he mixes intros with nothing happening over them and they are perfectly in time. If anything he'll do one mix at a time, make sure its perfect and edit it together. And in an interview about it he said he kept changing bits at the last minute which basically means it was all made but then he edited bits to include different tunes, meaning it wasn't done in one go.

Yeah ditto that man, plus, why would artists make a point of saying that their mix was done "live" if they all were!??!
No way Andy did nightlife 5 off the cuff. You would be nieave to believe otherwise I reckon.
Not that it's a bad thing tho.
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yeah i like hearing big names make mistakes.....not so i can bitch but so i know there is hope for me yet pmsl