zinc makes tunes with missing beats and so do a few like danny C - where they purposely make a tune harder to mix in order to ween out the shit Dj's... but it actually makes it more fun to mix !
If you see the garage scene, its so dull trying to mix garage as its so simple to mix. And house, all the beats are the same etc ...
So when theres a tune thats a challenge, it spices it up a bit !
Truely enough, its nice to have some sort of beat, click or beep going from the beginning to make tunes easyer to mix for the begginner, but stick vocals where you like ! You shouldnt make tunes (like people have said) for the Dj -
you should make tunes for yourself and the people who dance to it !
Dj's are just people playing other peoples music.
Its the crowd on teh dancefloor that needs pleasing