DJ Mish Mash - New Years Mix!

Mish Mash

Well-Known Member
VIP Junglist
Dec 24, 2008
Here's a mix I did to play at a house party I was going to on new years. Its all vinyl but its only two decks this time cos Mistanoize is in the middle of pimping out one of my decks! :biggrin:

It was mixed on the fly and does involve quite a bit of anthem bashing cos it was for a house party, but if you can forgive me for that then why not give it a spin!

Oh and I've been trying to upload it since new years eve so that others could have played it as they got messy over new years but it wasn't to be cos soundcloud just said there was an error every tim e I tried to upload it... Loooooong! But now its finally working so get on it!

And once I've got my newly pimped deck I'll get a proper 3 deck mix up on here, probably a video mix as well cos my phone has a pretty decent video camera, just gotta work out how to set up the room best to have all the decks in view!


Konflict - Messiah
>>> Noisia - Concussion
Phace & Rockwell - Rat Race
>>> Lynx - Disco Dodo
Fresh - Heavyweight
Gridlok - Insecticide
>>> Ed Rush & Optical - Medicine (Matrix Remix)
Icicle - I Feel U
Hazard - Food Fight
Noisia - Diplodocus
Noisia & Phace - Floating Zero
>>> Icicle feat. SP:MC - Dreadnaught
Phace - Strange Science
Noisia - Regurgitate
Rockwell - Full Circle
Culture Shock - Protection
>>> Ed Rush & Optical - Alien Girl
Shimon - The Shadow Knows
Octane & DLR - Mainframe
Jubei & Kasra - The Rift
Noisia feat. Alix Perez - Underprint
Alix Perez - Exemption
Rido - Exoplanet
Enei - No Fear
Alix Perez feat. Noisia - Loose Ends
Break - The Drone
>>> The Qemists - Stompbox (Spor Remix)
Ed Rush & Optical - Chubrub
Misanthrop - Latitude
The Upbeats feat. Noisia - Creep Out
Total Science & SPY - Gangsta
Icicle - Arrows
Sub Focus - Stomp
InsideInfo - Honey Bee
Loadstar - Link To The Past
Break & Die - Slow Down VIP
>>> Rido & Hybris - First Contact
Spor - Aztec
Phace & Rockwell - No!
Audio - Collision
>>> Bad Company - The Nine
Noisia - Deception

:cowbell::cowbell::cowbell::cowbell::cowbell::cowb ell::cowbell::cowbell:

Or for those of you that would prefer to listen on youtube...

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THIS MIX IS WHERE SHITS AT! FIRE FIRE FIRE! Just pure energy ruthless mixes, big drops, quality tunage absoulty ruthless!
Best mix iv heard all year :p in intro is just mind blowing, i mean you can not like Concussion and up to about the Culture Shock track was just mind blowing
was very impressed with Floating Zero >> Dreadnaught and the way you cut i thought was proper smart, then the mix after that was booming!
From 'mainframe' onwards then was just killer, serious ill and tight mixing duno what else to say really, but il be back for seconds soon :)
THIS MIX IS WHERE SHITS AT! FIRE FIRE FIRE! Just pure energy ruthless mixes, big drops, quality tunage absoulty ruthless!
Best mix iv heard all year :p in intro is just mind blowing, i mean you can not like Concussion and up to about the Culture Shock track was just mind blowing
was very impressed with Floating Zero >> Dreadnaught and the way you cut i thought was proper smart, then the mix after that was booming!
From 'mainframe' onwards then was just killer, serious ill and tight mixing duno what else to say really, but il be back for seconds soon :)

You are now my best friend
Mate this mix is up there with the bog boys. Loved the floating zero section and the chubrub section. Intro was large too. The only bit i wernt to sure on was the i feel u mix. Really fast and tight mixing mate. big up.
Absolute madness mish, feeling this mix all the way! How was hardware btw? Didn't go in the end :( oh & apologies for not getting back to you on fb...deactivated my account temporarily. But yeh cheers for the mix man, see you at shogun in a few weeks possibly?
Mate this mix is up there with the bog boys. Loved the floating zero section and the chubrub section. Intro was large too. The only bit i wernt to sure on was the i feel u mix. Really fast and tight mixing mate. big up.

Cheers for the feedback! Do you mean the insecticide >>> I feel u bit? At the drop they were slightly out which was annoying, and I should've brought the volume on I feel u up earlier, it comes in too suddenly I reckon.

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:26 ----------

Absolute madness mish, feeling this mix all the way! How was hardware btw? Didn't go in the end :( oh & apologies for not getting back to you on fb...deactivated my account temporarily. But yeh cheers for the mix man, see you at shogun in a few weeks possibly?

Haha don't worry dude! Hardware was pretty good, but wasn't all that so you didn't miss too much... I'll see you at the next shogun in our usual place! Gunna be huge! Got my tickets already!

straight on this man, will feedback when i've listened

looks big

massive. will be checking pal

cant wait to listen to this!

on the dl

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huge mix pure energy all the way through

Shimon - The Shadow Knows
Octane & DLR - Mainframe
Jubei & Kasra - The Rift
Noisia feat. Alix Perez - Underprint
Alix Perez - Exemption
Rido - Exoplanet
Enei - No Fear
Alix Perez feat. Noisia - Loose Ends
Break - The Drone MASSIVE SECTION flowed awesome!!

Break & Die - Slow Down VIP
>>> Rido & Hybris - First Contact TOP DRAWER!
Noisia - Regurgitate
Rockwell - Full Circle
Culture Shock - Protection
>>> Ed Rush & Optical - Alien Girl

big mate! really feelin this

Sub Focus - Stomp
InsideInfo - Honey Bee
Loadstar - Link To The Past
Break & Die - Slow Down VIP
>>> Rido & Hybris - First Contact

another banging bit, i love finding big mixes with first contact, a lot you can do with that tune!

big mix man, will defo look out for the next one
Nothing wrong with a bit of anthem bashing every now and then.

Listening now.

I still listen to your 101 track 3 hours 3 decks mix whenever im on a long drive. Played it twice in a row first time i drove up to Hull lol.
massive mix man, i rinsed it first thing in work today... kinda wish i hadnt, made the other mixes i listen to sound pretty weak in comparison.

p.s is there anywhere i can grab ur liquid mix again? i used to have it and rinse it all the time but cant seem to find it on my laptop
huge mix pure energy all the way through

Shimon - The Shadow Knows
Octane & DLR - Mainframe
Jubei & Kasra - The Rift
Noisia feat. Alix Perez - Underprint
Alix Perez - Exemption
Rido - Exoplanet
Enei - No Fear
Alix Perez feat. Noisia - Loose Ends
Break - The Drone MASSIVE SECTION flowed awesome!!

Break & Die - Slow Down VIP
>>> Rido & Hybris - First Contact TOP DRAWER!

Nice one glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully I'll have another up here really soon, just gotta get my deck back from being repaired and then I'll be straight on it

Noisia - Regurgitate
Rockwell - Full Circle
Culture Shock - Protection
>>> Ed Rush & Optical - Alien Girl

big mate! really feelin this

Sub Focus - Stomp
InsideInfo - Honey Bee
Loadstar - Link To The Past
Break & Die - Slow Down VIP
>>> Rido & Hybris - First Contact

another banging bit, i love finding big mixes with first contact, a lot you can do with that tune!

big mix man, will defo look out for the next one

Cheers for the feedback! Ye I know what you mean about first contact, its such a unique tune so its quite hard to find tunes to mix it with, but I reckon its sounds huge when dropped with the right sort of tune!

Nothing wrong with a bit of anthem bashing every now and then.

Listening now.

I still listen to your 101 track 3 hours 3 decks mix whenever im on a long drive. Played it twice in a row first time i drove up to Hull lol.

Haha cheers man! Bang it on as much as you can!

massive mix man, i rinsed it first thing in work today... kinda wish i hadnt, made the other mixes i listen to sound pretty weak in comparison.

p.s is there anywhere i can grab ur liquid mix again? i used to have it and rinse it all the time but cant seem to find it on my laptop

EvezDroppin you can grab my liquid mix on my soundcloud, there's a link to the mix in my sig as well
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Just made a new youtube account so that I can upload long videos again... my last one got its limit reduced cos of copyright stuff when I uploaded some tunes that the labels didn't want uploaded. Gunna use this new one only for uploading mixes, so hopefully it won't get any copyright complaints and I can keep uploading big long videos and have the mixes all in one piece!

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Yo Mish Mash great set mate! Tip top mixing as standard for you mate! Alien Girl >> Protection was mint hadn't heard the Culture Shock tune before. You definitely need to leave that in for longer. Any chance you could stick a few more vocal tracks in your next mix mate? Imo the energy drops a bit after 15/20 mins without a vocal. Slightly selfish of me I know but I thought I'd ask...

Need an id on the track at 51m49 for sure!
Yo Mish Mash great set mate! Tip top mixing as standard for you mate! Alien Girl >> Protection was mint hadn't heard the Culture Shock tune before. You definitely need to leave that in for longer. Any chance you could stick a few more vocal tracks in your next mix mate? Imo the energy drops a bit after 15/20 mins without a vocal. Slightly selfish of me I know but I thought I'd ask...

Need an id on the track at 51m49 for sure!

Ah man sorry papa J! Only just seen you're reply somehow?! Cheers for the feedback! In case you haven't found out by now the tune you were after is Total Science & SPY - Gangster, surprised you've missed it until now, came out on shogun a while back.

And I'll see what I can do with those vocal tunes lol! I've barely DJ'd in ages cos I haven't had my third deck for a few months now, but I'm getting it back this week and it will be working properly again! Can't wait! Got the video camera ready! Gunna be filming loads of mixes so watch this space!