things get really good at 8:40 mark.
The pacing of the mix is moving towards that moment and you definitely hit the sweet spot, where if I was in a club, I'd be feeling the pressure to get up and start dancing.
I like this mix, I was pretty far into house and other 4X4 related stuff at one point in my life. I used to hit this club called Cisero's out west and they had a DJ from Wales that would throw the fuck down, mainly house sets. It was the year Route 94 came out with My Love.
I don't recognize many tunes, but, I'm not that far into the genre any longer. 'Cept, there's a featherweight house rework? Ult motive, right? Or, did they just use the same sample.
It's good man, the cats who do house nights over here would hire you if you showed them this as a promo. I like the tender stuff mixed with smashing house knockers.
Edit: I actually do have that I'm only human can't you see/I made-a-made-a mistake tune. When I play house parties I do drop that from time to time. Banger.
And major props for including Born slippy (remix?), timeless anthem