Desperately need help creating jump up sounds with massive

I've finally made a decent synth (well Imo anyway) and I've figured the secret is the fx chain definitely. mine goes something like this (this may help in getting a sound you want)
pro q2
ohmicide and abletons overdrive grouped together and mixed in with dry signal
abletons saturator
pro q2
fabfilter Saturn again grouped and mixed in
more saturation
some multi band compression (just to bring out the sounds I like and exclude the ones I don't)
pro q2 X2 1 For taking away shitty frequencies and 1 for boosting the ones only by a little.
abletons "simple delay" 7% wet and like 24% feedback
pro q2 and fabfilters reverb grouped together and mixed in
finally some compression to glue the sound together and then some more eq boosts after.

I have no clue if what I have done here is right but it was the result of my Sunday evening and I just thought it might be able to help haha

Thanks for sharing m8! Gives some great insight in how these fx chains are done. I've been doing similar things but a bit different.
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I'm finally getting some good results with creating bouncy synths :) woohoo. Well, at least I created a "wub" and a "wah" synth. I can now apply these envelope settings to any wavetables setup I want :D Now I'm trying to create more bouncy effects and when I got some more I will post here what I made and maybe how I did it
I'm finally getting some good results with creating bouncy synths :) woohoo. Well, at least I created a "wub" and a "wah" synth. I can now apply these envelope settings to any wavetables setup I want :D Now I'm trying to create more bouncy effects and when I got some more I will post here what I made and maybe how I did it
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