Desperately need help creating jump up sounds with massive

to achieve that you will need to be using envelopes.
if you have spent hours then you should be familiar with the controls. from that its just a case of thinking right well a donk has a sharp attack. a wub attack is not instant it would be like slower.
i’m not the best at explaining advice but im trying to help as much as poss
It's a very good starting point. But what its missing is that bouncy movement in the sound. like a bend in detuning/pitch. It's hard to describe. The preset is like a straight/sustained sound. Adding vibrato help abit to give it some movement, but it's still not that bouncy curve that i'm after

The bouncy effect can be applied with a pitch, volume or filter envelope ( A D S R )!
I have tried all sorts of pitch, volume and filter envelopes and lfo's and I can't recreate it :(

I am really thinking about it before I try something, like for example the "boing" sound i'm after would be a bit of attack and a short sustain and a good amount of release. It makes sense to me in theory, but in practice when I apply the envelope it keeps sounding like a straight sustained sound.

I'm starting to think something is wrong with my Massive installation blegh. How hard can it be for a sound to sound like the envelope I had in theory and created in the massiv's envelope section :/
If its stopping your workflow and annoying you i reckon researching some decent samples in the genre would be good advice.
I have tried all sorts of pitch, volume and filter envelopes and lfo's and I can't recreate it :(

I am really thinking about it before I try something, like for example the "boing" sound i'm after would be a bit of attack and a short sustain and a good amount of release. It makes sense to me in theory, but in practice when I apply the envelope it keeps sounding like a straight sustained sound.

I'm starting to think something is wrong with my Massive installation blegh. How hard can it be for a sound to sound like the envelope I had in theory and created in the massiv's envelope section :/
Hey Buddy
You know golf is an excellent hobby. So is home brewing.
I thought about going fishing, but I'm not smart enough for that!

Anyway, I played around in serum some more and I got a nice result now with the envelopes. However I'm still having troubles finding a good wavetable setup, they all sound so similar and not what i'm after. But i'm having at least better results with the bounciness and using envelopes in serum.

Basically I want to create a short sounding sound that's just sustained very shortly and then dies out gradually. In massive when I take down the level of the decay the entire sound lowers in volume :( When I do it in serum it sounds right the way i'd expect it
I recommend doing exactly what you're doing right now for another few years, that should get you the sounds you want. But by then you will probably realise jump up is shit and be producing different styles
I was wondering how long it would take for the jump up haters to start coming in the thread lol, they have finally arrived

But the sounds i'm after can also be used for neurofunk and dubstep and trap and electro etc... And learning to use envelopes etc is useful for creating other sounds aswell, so it's always a win win whatever genre i decide to produce
I was wondering how long it would take for the jump up haters to start coming in the thread lol, they have finally arrived

But the sounds i'm after can also be used for neurofunk and dubstep and trap and electro etc... And learning to use envelopes etc is useful for creating other sounds aswell, so it's always a win win whatever genre i decide to produce

I recommend doing exactly what you're doing right now for another few years, that should get you the sounds you want
I thought about going fishing, but I'm not smart enough for that!

Anyway, I played around in serum some more and I got a nice result now with the envelopes. However I'm still having troubles finding a good wavetable setup, they all sound so similar and not what i'm after. But i'm having at least better results with the bounciness and using envelopes in serum.

Basically I want to create a short sounding sound that's just sustained very shortly and then dies out gradually. In massive when I take down the level of the decay the entire sound lowers in volume :( When I do it in serum it sounds right the way i'd expect it

Here is the same preset, now with the wanted effect applied. Keep it as template for your next jump up sounds. ;)


Yes obviously I'm trying to learn how to create such sounds myself, it's not my intention to come here everytime I need a sound. That's why I've been doing sound design for like 6-8 hours a day for the last two weeks. But I'm getting nowhere.

I watched the movie about basics of synthesis 2 times now, but i'm still not able to create anything good.

The bouncy curve that I mean is anything that makes the sound less sustained, transforming it into a "Donk" "Wob" "Boing" etc.. Basically anything that makes the sound less straight. It's really difficult to explain :D
getting the movement is the easiest part for me for that royle song it sounds dead easy. on massive try the lfo curve thing called "sinus uni" and put the ratio on 4:1. have the attack time a bit slower on env 4 so it glides I suppose more and then have a higher release time. this should get you that type of movement
getting the movement is the easiest part for me for that royle song it sounds dead easy. on massive try the lfo curve thing called "sinus uni" and put the ratio on 4:1. have the attack time a bit slower on env 4 so it glides I suppose more and then have a higher release time. this should get you that type of movement

Thanks! I will try that. I suppose you put the LFO on the filter cutoff? Which filter do you use?

Also do you know which wavetables to use to get that Royle kind of sound? Still struggling finding good non-guitar'y wavetables :(
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depends what kind of sound you are going for.
for a gritty sounding wob use the scream filter
for a more gentle and old type of wob use lowpass 4 or 2 doesn't really matter
and for like a resonant kind of wob use the daft filter. haven't really used the other ones.
and it sounds just like a sine or a square tbh. think its the effects he put on afterwards but I'm not too sure.
This is how it sounds with reason's subtractor, using sines and scream's tube distortion added:

So AstarrDnB is right, so set up two sines, one of them two octaves higher, and look how far the distortion effects on board will get you there, if not close enough disbale them and try out all out the box distortions plug ins!
That sounds pretty close to what i'm after! Gotta try reason now lol. thanks again for your help!

And today my Mac mini will arrive, so I can also try out logic pro and alchemy!

it seems like reasons subtractor and logic pro's alchemy have better basic wavetables to get those kind of sounds. I still don't like the typical sound of massive and serum.