Delta - Untitled [Liquidy deep stuff?]


Active Member
VIP Junglist
Jan 3, 2014
Gent - Belgium
I'm on a roll here with creating tracks and not finishing them, so another one..

It's the first time I decently tried to master a track, so I know that needs quite some work
I'm still adding and changing stuff, but I'm a bit stuck, and I like the tune, so I came for some feedback!

I also had this one in the wip tread, so if you have some advice for this one, go ahead! I'm already adding pads and stuff, to fill it up a bit
Decent mate I like the progression, the tuning of everything seems fine too. I do think the drums sound a little weak though, that's mainly to do with the mixdown, I think the bass is very loud! Overpoweringly so.
Yea I'm not 100% happy with the drums either... And I always but the bass too loud, even when I think is already quiet enough, weird ears of mine..
Thanks for the feedback! Appreciate it!
no problem man :).
It may well be your monitoring that's holding back your mixdowns. If you dont own a good pair of headphones, I'd suggest investing wisely, they helped me massively.
I do have decent monitors, but i think I'm just not used to them being flat...
I've always had boxes with a sub, or headphones with a heavy low end.
Even when I take into account that my monitors are flat, I end up with mixdowns like this.. With to many low