DnB Deep Liquidish DnB - And What to do Next?...


Random Nolifer
Sep 16, 2016
Czech republic, Opava
Hi guys and gals :)

This one is actually remake of one of the first tunes I produced.... Like year ago. I quite liked the main melody, but production wise, it was really terrible.

So, I decided. fuck it, and remake that from scratch, with much more elements, better beat and overall better sound ( or I hope at least :D )

If you have a minute, check it and write me your opinion, I will be glad.

Elements sounds ok. Only the drums sounds a bit dull. And u need to raise the sub. I would have liked that some elements sounded differently but thats personal taste. Anyway goodjob! :D
Hey Bro,

Musically it's great. All the elements work together.

That brief break at 2:34 sounded interesting. I would have liked to have heard that explored further before going back to the main part.

The echo snare seems a bit loud in my opinion. I'd turn that down.

I'm ok with the sub, but agree with Newcaise re the drums.
thanks for opinion guys, I will check the sub.

But regarding drums :) can you be more specific ??? I was always thinking that my drums sound really clean and nice lately ... so what´s exactly there that bothers you???
Are you doing enough side-chaining? That would make the track pump and breathe more. And by side-chaining I mean side-chaining everything else to duck when a kick or snare hit occurs, even if not super apparently.

And a common and handy trick about side-chaining that you've perhaps already heard of is to high-pass or cut short the side-chain audio source so that the compressor only hears the transient of the kick (or snare). That way it's easier to control the release of the ducking compressor (or eq), especially if your kick has a long tail. It's called ghost kicking by some I believe.