Debut mix from my new alias, mixed on 4 decks - Technique/Ram/Viper sort of vibe


Nov 17, 2013
Hi guys,

Myself and a friend have launched our new alias, Intrinsic, and this is our debut mix:

Generator – Dimension [Dimension]
Shall We Begin - Mind Vortex [RAM]
Hotbox VIP - Mind Vortex [RAM]
Pale Blue Dot - The Prototypes [Viper]
Big Time Winners - Total Science & Break [CIA]
Buffalo Charge - Dub Phizix & Strategy [SenkaSonic]
Direction VIP – Wilkinson [RAM]
Gravitate - Tantrum Desire [Technique]
Glow - Dan Dakota [UKF]
Higher (The Prototypes Remix) - Netsky x Jauz [Ultra]
Electric - The Prototypes [Get Hype]
7th Dimension - Document One [Technique]
Dawn – Culprate [Open Outlets]
Hypnotic (feat. Shannon Saunders & Youngman) – Wilkinson [Virgin]
Ruffian - Calyx & Teebee [RAM]
Rocket Guns Blazin' - The Prototypes [Get Hype]
Rudeboy (feat. Doctor) – Sigma [3beat]
Nightmare - Tantrum Desire [Technique]
What's Out There – Metrik [Hospital]
Time Tripping - DJ Hazard [Playaz]
Bugsy – Spectrasoul [Shogun]
Cobra - Drumsound & Bassline Smith [Playaz]
Red Planet - L Plus [Technique]
Chubrub - Ed Rush & Optical [Virus]
Cold Wave - S.P.Y [Hospital]
Beg & Borrow – Dimension [Dimension]
New Era VIP - Andy C [RAM]
Lingua (feat. Stylo G) - Sub Focus [Virgin]
Metamorphosis (feat. Miss Trouble) – Insideinfo [Viper]
Airhead - Tantrum Desire [Technique]
Ask Yourself - Foreign Concept & KLAX [Critical]
Chasing Stars - Document One [Technique]
Fatso VIP – Metrik [Hospital]
Tesoro - Tantrum Desire [Technique]
Who's Got Da Funk – Break [Symmetry]
UK – Dimension [Dimension]
Timewarp VIP - Sub Focus [RAM]
The Truth VIP - Drumsound & Bassine Smith [Technique]

Any support in the form of likes/shares would be massively appreciated!

Also any feedback/criticism is welcome :)

very poppy for me....

so i can't really tell if its good or not?

not one Skeptical tune in there.... i mean come on....
Nice tracklist and nice mix!
Favorite parts were: First douple drop
Whats Out There >> Time Tripping
Rocket Guns Blazing >> Rudeboy
and last but not least that who got da funk >> uk >> Timewarp was such a banger!

Keep it up guys!
very poppy for me....

so i can't really tell if its good or not?

not one Skeptical tune in there.... i mean come on....

Troll comment aside, seems a bit odd you'd listen to the mix knowing its not your style? Matching tunes to a vibe is important, and just like I wouldn't put a Dimension tune in a Skeptical based mix, the same goes for this.

Nice tracklist and nice mix!
Favorite parts were: First douple drop
Whats Out There >> Time Tripping
Rocket Guns Blazing >> Rudeboy
and last but not least that who got da funk >> uk >> Timewarp was such a banger!

Keep it up guys!

Awesome man thanks for the feedback - What's Out There > Time Tripping is my favourite mix in there as well. Was a lot of fun to mix!
Troll comment aside, seems a bit odd you'd listen to the mix knowing its not your style? !
title didn't say:

" Technique/Ram/Viper sort of vibe"

before i commented.. but the tracklist was there.... even so i didn't know most of those tunes and thought i'd listen...

my bad really ..

like being homophobic at a gay pride rally? or black and joining the KKK.... really in the wrong place.... (y) big up