DAX - 9 year old boy wonder??

He must have had parents who showed him the way while the rest of us waited untill we got older.

bit off topic but theres also some kid on youtube, hes like 5-7 i think.. mind blowing on the drums.
Start em off early and anything is posible. I knew an 11 year old who could bust a 360 flip down an 8 set no problem. I guess you dont car about fucking up so much when you are young.
Start em off early and anything is posible. I knew an 11 year old who could bust a 360 flip down an 8 set no problem. I guess you dont car about fucking up so much when you are young.

i was kinda similar when i was young, used to jump off high walls and everything.
when i used to play football at school i would dive like a premiership goalkeeper on concrete, i still do sometimes but it hurts every now n then....back then it didnt hurt atall i used to just bounce off of things.

but yes i didnt break a bone in my body till i was about 14/15 i think and that was only my nose, wernt even a clean break
i tried teaching my mate whos 20 to mix.
he couldnt do it for shit
always good to start at a young age

Yeah man deffo sam. When I learnt to mix at 13 no-one was around to teach me about bar structures, so I had to teach myself. It would be good to pass my knowledge on to both my nephews. I can't wait to make a start on it.
Yeah man deffo sam. When I learnt to mix at 13 no-one was around to teach me about bar structures, so I had to teach myself. It would be good to pass my knowledge on to both my nephews. I can't wait to make a start on it.

also mate id recommend getting them to learn the piano and guitar.
so if they get into producing when they are older they would be able to create better riffs and have a better understanding of music.
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