Best Tracks of 2011 MIX for competition


the yen
VIP Junglist
Feb 11, 2009
New Cross, London
Hello all,

This is my entry for the best tracks of the year mix for t345e. Have been on a dark tip for the last few years so is that kinda vibe. Towards the end i wanted to incorperate the deep, slightly liquid atmosphere i like but a fair amount of my vinyls are somewhere else and i wouldnt get to them before xmas so it is a bit small: x2technics 1210s

Alsooo, my mixer is ancient and pushes out dubious sound quality. It sounds perfect in parts, but some tracks it really clips the drums (its the mixer, im not redlining) and semi distorts the bass. But that might be me being silly let me know. Been mixing for a while now and have been slowly improving the whole time, would love some feedback if anyone can be assed.

Cheers guys

Amoss - Footloose‬ - Horizons
‪Xtrah - Arise‬ - Subtitles
‪Optiv & BTK - Submission - Dispatch‬
‪Mortem - Monoveler‬ - Critical Modulations
‪Ulterior Motive - Seven Segments‬ - Subtitles
‪Vicious Circle & Nocturnal - Last Chance Saloon‬ - Commercial Suicide
‪Basher & Xtrah - Hubble‬ - Subtitles
Optiv & BTK - Get Ready - Dispatch
‪Topcat - Special Dedication (Sigma Remix) - Streetlife‬
‪Spinline - Artificial - Dispatch‬
‪Amoss - Severance‬ - Inside Recordings
‪Enei - Cracker (Jubei Remix)‬ - Critical
Amoss - ‪Throwback‬ - Horizons
‪Skeptical - Blue Eyes‬ - Ingredients
‪Alix Perez, Rockwell & Spectrasoul - Montpellier‬ - Shogun Audio
‪Tokyo Prose - LPK Sound - Samurai Red Seal‬
‪T.E.E.D - Garden (Calibre Remix)‬ - Signature
‪Mr Joseph - How Long - Telluric‬
‪Calibre - Hummer - Samurai Red Seal‬
Pessimist - Abstract - Ingredients​
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Footloose‬ - one of my favourites this year, so I can't say a thing against it, I wouldn't use it as an opener though especially when you bring in another tune on the first drop (still that's only my opinion you know)

‪Arise‬ - very nice, worked together nicely, I'd let Footloose dominate at least one section and then switched, but this was very nice mix nevertheless

Submission - came out of nowhere, but owned it! loved how those mid-bass noises complemented each other, you could have let Arise in the background roll for a little bit longer tho

‪Monoveler‬ - nice one, again works together very well, maybe too bassy on the drop, but went better afterwards

‪Seven Segments‬ - wicked switch, whole mix needed to pick up 'the pace' a little bit, well done!

‪Last Chance Saloon‬ - I liked the way it came in later this time, blend itself was nice, shame that LCS was a way too loud compared to Seven Segments, you can see it on the waveform

‪Hubble‬ - mids and highs became loud too soon before the drop, there was a little slip too, but you've managed to fix it soon enough. liked this blend alot though!

Get Ready - nice tune, missed this release, need to catch up for sure. louder than other tunes in the mix, kinda killed every aspect poking through from Hubble

‪Special Dedication (Sigma Remix) - I was curious about how you're gonna mix those two together, pleasant surprise! went off! it was too bassy though, still the "volume problem" with Get Ready

‪Artificial - was OK, liked the part without those claps overlapping amen beat, went a little bit messy for me when claps came in. eq'ed fine though

‪Severance‬ - niiiiiice! this time it worked well, hench blend!

‪Cracker (Jubei Remix)‬ - too much claps for me, would have let severance's mids and highs up and cut out a little bit from cracker's highs and even more mids

Throwback‬ - nice beat switch, a little bit less highs on cracker would be nice. also the volume has been falling down a bit

‪Blue Eyes‬ - mid noises complemented each other nicely, wasn't too keen on the percussions blend tho

‪Montpellier‬ - wickard! loved this one, personally I think that's the best blend I've heard with Montpellier. also nice switch later, really big!

‪LPK Sound - dope, love the deep atmosphere on this one, eq'ed nicely

‪Garden (Calibre Remix)‬ - not for me. I love this tune and imo it didn't work very well with LPK Sound

‪How Long - this on the other hand went off! very nice indeed

‪Hummer - works fine together, Hummer's too loud tho!

Abstract - great way to end this mix, was nice how the Hummer fade out and the beat has switched

Was a great mix mate, really liked the selection, mixing was really tight and you've pulled out some wicked blends (Blue Eyes > Montpellier and Garden >> How Long were really top notch). It was also nicely eq'ed all the way through apart from a few volume raises/falls (which I assume weren't entirely your fault considering what you've said about your mixer). Looking forward to hear more mixes from you!
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Footloose‬ - one of my favourites this year, so I can't say a thing against it, I wouldn't use it as an opener though especially when you bring in another tune on the first drop (still that's only my opinion you know)

‪Arise‬ - very nice, worked together nicely, I'd let Footloose dominate at least one section and then switched, but this was very nice mix nevertheless

Submission - came out of nowhere, but owned it! loved how those mid-bass noises complemented each other, you could have let Arise in the background roll for a little bit longer tho

‪Monoveler‬ - nice one, again works together very well, maybe too bassy on the drop, but went better afterwards

‪Seven Segments‬ - wicked switch, whole mix needed to pick up 'the pace' a little bit, well done!

‪Last Chance Saloon‬ - I liked the way it came in later this time, blend itself was nice, shame that LCS was a way too loud compared to Seven Segments, you can see it on the waveform

‪Hubble‬ - mids and highs became loud too soon before the drop, there was a little slip too, but you've managed to fix it soon enough. liked this blend alot though!

Get Ready - nice tune, missed this release, need to catch up for sure. louder than other tunes in the mix, kinda killed every aspect poking through from Hubble

‪Special Dedication (Sigma Remix) - I was curious about how you're gonna mix those two together, pleasant surprise! went off! it was too bassy though, still the "volume problem" with Get Ready

‪Artificial - was OK, liked the part without those claps overlapping amen beat, went a little bit messy for me when claps came in. eq'ed fine though

‪Severance‬ - niiiiiice! this time it worked well, hench blend!

‪Cracker (Jubei Remix)‬ - too much claps for me, would have let severance's mids and highs up and cut out a little bit from cracker's highs and even more mids

Throwback‬ - nice beat switch, a little bit less highs on cracker would be nice. also the volume has been falling down a bit

‪Blue Eyes‬ - mid noises complemented each other nicely, wasn't too keen on the percussions blend tho

‪Montpellier‬ - wickard! loved this one, personally I think that's the best blend I've heard with Montpellier. also nice switch later, really big!

‪LPK Sound - dope, love the deep atmosphere on this one, eq'ed nicely

‪Garden (Calibre Remix)‬ - not for me. I love this tune and imo it didn't work very well with LPK Sound

‪How Long - this on the other hand went off! very nice indeed

‪Hummer - works fine together, Hummer's too loud tho!

Abstract - great way to end this mix, was nice how the Hummer fade out and the beat has switched

Was a great mix mate, really liked the selection, mixing was really tight and you've pulled out some wicked blends (Blue Eyes > Montpellier and Garden >> How Long were really top notch). It was also nicely eq'ed all the way through apart from a few volume raises/falls (which I assume weren't entirely your fault considering what you've said about your mixer). Looking forward to hear more mixes from you!

Cheers for the feedback mate. Yee my mixer gives me so much grief, one of my channels is also way louder than the other one so always looking out for that can get looong. Left some comments on urs
Amoss - Footloose‬ - Horizons great track
‪Xtrah - Arise‬ - Subtitles - straight into it with a wicked mix. liked this one man.
‪Optiv & BTK - Submission - Dispatch‬ - nice blend. this is very much to my liking so far man. def my tastes in tracks and mixing style, very similar to my own. well played.
‪Mortem - Monoveler‬ - Critical Modulations - nice, i would have had the bass eq'd the other way round, there is more happening on submission, let it dominate the low range.
‪Ulterior Motive - Seven Segments‬ - Subtitles - brought in nice, was a bit shakey at points but not too bad, thought it only worked for half of the mix tho, 7 segments changes every so often and gets new elements and i didn;t think those extra bits mixed well, if that makes sense.
‪Vicious Circle & Nocturnal - Last Chance Saloon‬ - Commercial Suicide - didnt like the intro pad all that much but i did like the bass over 7 segments. swish, shame it didn't roll out for longer.
‪Basher & Xtrah - Hubble‬ - Subtitles - came in a lil loud the bass transition was a bit too noticeable. was a nice mix. would have sounded better over LCS when it didn't have those percussion bits on the go.
Optiv & BTK - Get Ready - Dispatch - yeah was gd. might have been too much bass, couldn't really hear lcs in the mix but the bass sounded quite distorted up until a point.
‪Topcat - Special Dedication (Sigma Remix) - Streetlife‬ - worked better than i thought it would actually man.
‪Spinline - Artificial - Dispatch‬ - not bad, think u mixed it aswel as it could have gone, well played. i actually hate this track for mixing with, it refuses to fuse with what i want it to.
‪Amoss - Severance‬ - Inside Recordings - yeah nice, this crept in there and worked well. if i had this track id be trying it out later. oh well.
‪Enei - Cracker (Jubei Remix)‬ - Critical - not bad, liked how similar elements hit at the same time and i liked the cut off at the end.
Amoss - ‪Throwback‬ - Horizons - a nice mix, i would have been tempted to switch at the drop, not that they sounded bad together, just think it would have had more effect on its own.
‪Skeptical - Blue Eyes‬ - Ingredients - this was nice. watch ur levels tho man, majorlly slipping on the master volume.
‪Alix Perez, Rockwell & Spectrasoul - Montpellier‬ - Shogun Audio - liked the way u brought it in and cut it out when blue eyes drums dissapeared, was a lil harsh when u did so but hey. nicley brought back in and yes what a drop, sounded fooking ace this mix. shame the levels are so low. would have ended the mix before blue eyes had that mid range noise come in tho.
‪Tokyo Prose - LPK Sound - Samurai Red Seal‬ - ahhhhh so this is what this track is called. thank u!!!!! note to people who dont think a tracklist isn't important it fucking is! nice mix serious vibes.
‪T.E.E.D - Garden (Calibre Remix)‬ - Signature - really clean blend. cut off was a bit meh but nothin too bad.
‪Mr Joseph - How Long - Telluric‬ - yeah not too shabby!
‪Calibre - Hummer - Samurai Red Seal - came in a lil loud but nice mix all the same. ‬
Pessimist - Abstract - Ingredients - that pad dominated the mix but still wicked. great track.

overal man this was hot as. mixing was tight and some really nice belnds.

selection.... well... in 2 minds here.
normally i would have just said it was wicked and yeah it was!
however.. best tracks of 2011 - im not sure some of these would qualify for that title.. but on the other hand i think it gives a great overview of the type of sound that has been good this year without reaching for the overplayed tracks.

glad i checked this man was really good and thanks for giving me a title for that lpk sound. big ups!
Amoss - Footloose‬ - Horizons great track
‪Xtrah - Arise‬ - Subtitles - straight into it with a wicked mix. liked this one man.
‪Optiv & BTK - Submission - Dispatch‬ - nice blend. this is very much to my liking so far man. def my tastes in tracks and mixing style, very similar to my own. well played.
‪Mortem - Monoveler‬ - Critical Modulations - nice, i would have had the bass eq'd the other way round, there is more happening on submission, let it dominate the low range.
‪Ulterior Motive - Seven Segments‬ - Subtitles - brought in nice, was a bit shakey at points but not too bad, thought it only worked for half of the mix tho, 7 segments changes every so often and gets new elements and i didn;t think those extra bits mixed well, if that makes sense.
‪Vicious Circle & Nocturnal - Last Chance Saloon‬ - Commercial Suicide - didnt like the intro pad all that much but i did like the bass over 7 segments. swish, shame it didn't roll out for longer.
‪Basher & Xtrah - Hubble‬ - Subtitles - came in a lil loud the bass transition was a bit too noticeable. was a nice mix. would have sounded better over LCS when it didn't have those percussion bits on the go.
Optiv & BTK - Get Ready - Dispatch - yeah was gd. might have been too much bass, couldn't really hear lcs in the mix but the bass sounded quite distorted up until a point.
‪Topcat - Special Dedication (Sigma Remix) - Streetlife‬ - worked better than i thought it would actually man.
‪Spinline - Artificial - Dispatch‬ - not bad, think u mixed it aswel as it could have gone, well played. i actually hate this track for mixing with, it refuses to fuse with what i want it to.
‪Amoss - Severance‬ - Inside Recordings - yeah nice, this crept in there and worked well. if i had this track id be trying it out later. oh well.
‪Enei - Cracker (Jubei Remix)‬ - Critical - not bad, liked how similar elements hit at the same time and i liked the cut off at the end.
Amoss - ‪Throwback‬ - Horizons - a nice mix, i would have been tempted to switch at the drop, not that they sounded bad together, just think it would have had more effect on its own.
‪Skeptical - Blue Eyes‬ - Ingredients - this was nice. watch ur levels tho man, majorlly slipping on the master volume.
‪Alix Perez, Rockwell & Spectrasoul - Montpellier‬ - Shogun Audio - liked the way u brought it in and cut it out when blue eyes drums dissapeared, was a lil harsh when u did so but hey. nicley brought back in and yes what a drop, sounded fooking ace this mix. shame the levels are so low. would have ended the mix before blue eyes had that mid range noise come in tho.
‪Tokyo Prose - LPK Sound - Samurai Red Seal‬ - ahhhhh so this is what this track is called. thank u!!!!! note to people who dont think a tracklist isn't important it fucking is! nice mix serious vibes.
‪T.E.E.D - Garden (Calibre Remix)‬ - Signature - really clean blend. cut off was a bit meh but nothin too bad.
‪Mr Joseph - How Long - Telluric‬ - yeah not too shabby!
‪Calibre - Hummer - Samurai Red Seal - came in a lil loud but nice mix all the same. ‬
Pessimist - Abstract - Ingredients - that pad dominated the mix but still wicked. great track.

overal man this was hot as. mixing was tight and some really nice belnds.

selection.... well... in 2 minds here.
normally i would have just said it was wicked and yeah it was!
however.. best tracks of 2011 - im not sure some of these would qualify for that title.. but on the other hand i think it gives a great overview of the type of sound that has been good this year without reaching for the overplayed tracks.

glad i checked this man was really good and thanks for giving me a title for that lpk sound. big ups!

Really nice mix mate really digging this... Not really my type of DNB as all you have is the darker more techy stuff - not that is a bad thing i love all forms of DnB just much prefer Jump up and Dance floor...

Really good mix although i would have to agree with my friend above me.. Definitely not best tracks of 2011 i see maybe one or 2 tracks there that could be considered "best" tracks of 2011... The mix is really one sided as all you play is the dark/tech stuff... I would say that the only tune there that i would consider a best track of 2011 would be Special Dedication (Sigma remix) other than that i woudnt say anything there would be considered for a best of 2011 mix... Saying that though i dont really listen to the darker stuff so i cant really be the judge of that

All in all very tight mix mate... Keep em coming :)
Sweet teddy danke for all the feedback. Selection wise u hit it, tried not to make one big everytune youve heard too many times mix. Some of them clearly arent tune of th year material, but more off the essense of what i loved bout the genre this anuum whilst using some of the standout tracks for me.
Feedback did alot mate, helps validate a lot of wat i already think, ie some major eq fuckups, and some new things. ur right about switching throwback. Sometimes get a bit too caught up in the whole double dropping dropping way of things and dont use other methods and let some of the tunes do the work. big ups for the effort nd happy new year

Keep em coming :)

Thanks for checking it out matey, will do
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