Benny Page?


Laughter in the Slaughter
VIP Junglist
Apr 21, 2003
Calgary, AB Canada
So i have a chance to see Benny Page (Calgary AB Canada) next weekend April 26th.

I am trying to get hyped for the show.

Has anyone seen him before? Got any good stories?
i missed a show once due to my x girlfriend. i was bit gutted as wanted to see him live for ages. actually ive missed two of his shows now.

id expect some dubstep included with his sets though.

cant really offer much more insight!

hope you have a good time.
Depends on what you're after I'd say. Ive been well into him for aaages, bcos of his dubwize and collabs with visionary. trouble is, he is leaning heavily on his jump up, and even more recently his dubstep, which as Im not a jump-up fan, and think his dubstep is for the most part weak, meant that his set I caught in LDS a few month back completely turned me orff tbh. If youre into the cheesier side of jump up or rate his dubstep selection (which is a load of tunes eggsactly like his own attempts imo) then he's a fair show, not technically amazing but worth a squirt for sure.

-wow lotta caffeine went into that grammatical road-accident, sozzers!:rinsed:
the man made swagger, pan pipes and turn down the lights he's a G will be a good night if he's playing
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