DnB Atmospheric, Dark & Heavy Tune

Soul Of Seun

May 31, 2016
I tried to create a more energetic, almost chaotic but dark & atmospheric tune. Thoughts on the execution, sound design, and/or overall vibe?

I left feedback,

"Dark and sinister sounding Intro... wicked vibes. The Bass and Mid-Range sounds are right up my alley. My issue with the tune is that the Drums don't quite measure up imho. I feel like a proper Snare placed on the 1 & 2 is what would work better... although I do appreciate the off-patterned ideas you're offering.

I would love to play with your Bass... no homo ; D

The Wind Chimes during the Breakdown are truly evil, I like them a lot.

Wicked tune!"
I like the intro and vibe of the track it is very dark and cinematic and my only criticism of the intro is the kick sounds very synthetic compared to the music because it is the same velocity every hit. And maybe some silence before the drop or at least no bass.

I like the tone and arrangement of the drums you have used when it drops but they need more mixing work so that they are at the front of the mix and all the atmosphere is behind them. They sound quite reverby at the moment with no sharp transients. The bass sounds great. I don't really like the bells or wind chimes but protoplasym does so it is personal taste. Maybe you could add a vocal sample about nebulas or collapsing stars or whatever?
Cool tune tune man, I really like the power in the basses, you defo got the darkness in here, I cant comment on the production as im not as good as to make a coment on that, what I will say is I felt the drums where a little samey throughout the tune and it felt to me like there was the same pad sound going the whole tune I would have liked a little switch up somehow or a complete drop out to break up the tones a bit.
As I say im no pro, only my opinion here, I wish you luck with the beats :)