Anyone Remember the Skullstep Producer 1932?


New Member
Apr 9, 2017
It may be a different number... I just know it was like "1942", or ,"1938"...but I just remember a year.

They were very lowkey regarding releases I am thinking, and I remember having a Dylan mix from like 2006, that had a song by them in it.

The track had some movie samples in it... possibly from Exorcist... but you hear some girl screaming in a demonic voice, in German... then you here a group of people praying the standard Lord's Prayer... the name of the song is something like, May God Help Us... or, Our Father Who Art In Heaven... or something like that.

They had a Myspace back in the day... it was two guys.

I could NEVER find the track to buy... and I swore it was on Discogs... but every 4-letter "19!!" number a try results in nothing..

Anyone know?
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yeah, I knew I had to look at track lists from that time period... found it in a Robyn Chaos tracklisting.

1904 - Deliver Us

I'm interested in the original though... none vip