Anyone know how to make this kind of synth


Active Member
Nov 9, 2014
Hi folks, anybody know how to make the synth that kicks in around 1.00 minute in this track. Just wondered if anyone new cheers.
Whatever waves are being used, they are layered with white noise, then distortion & reverb. Finally, the whole thing is gated/sliced so that notes have zero tail even after reverb and sidechained to the kick. Idk what waveforms are used and what other processing there is tho.
Hey, I just tried remaking this sound and here's what I reckon. All the waveforms are sawtooths, and there are three oscillators all detuned an octave apart from eachother, starting with the root note. Then the voices are stacked up in unison and detuned very slightly, just enough to give a slightest sense of movement. There may be some distortion aswell, I'm not sure.
Yah, same thoughts here, though I'd venture that there's only 2 saws and they're one octave apart.

Edit: totally wrote something different than I was thinking. =)
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