92, know what you are talking about before you talk shit. this was about sharing the files not fucking hearing them. the album isnt officially out until september 24th, god forbid, I try to make sure its not readily available to anyone who asks for it before that time. guess you'd never know what its like to work your ass off on something and have it LEAKED out to anyone with a bit of computer internet knowledge. its no wonder record sales are at all time lows, and artists fight to stop file sharing networks like audiogalaxy. me and khal already sorted this out personally so it really doesn't concern you. when the album is released then please, I welcome all of your comments, criticisms, whatever, but unless it was given to you by me or my label, or you heard it from someone who it was given to, then have the respect to wait for its release, by then I am sure it will be downloadable all over the internet. or wait until you see it on the dubplate page for dnbarena or DOA.