any feedback ?

I think it's fucking brilliant, what happened, I do not recall you being this good.

Into's abit long, could do with some formatting, drop, backdrop tempo change etc. i'm no expert tho myself, bass is good. Just like to introduce myself, i'm a Born Again Christian!! I have a small youtube channel with some music
and text video's about God that ive done and i just wanted 2 share. they may
be 2 your liking i dunno,
and just my music songs here: God bless!! people and seek God and the truth!!

Hey there buddy, welcome! Maybe you should post in new talent or introduce yourself forums, but above all, you should come over to waffle a little, maybe we can talk religion? Born again Christian huh wow really you don't say, thats interesting. Did you just get out of the penitentiary?
No but their are many testimony's of people dat have become Christians in prison and also have encountered Jesus Christ in dreams and visions, one guy who used 2 be a hitman for the kray's, forgot his name, said he saw Jesus Christ in a vision in prison, his life has completely changed, no more gang banging after dat. if u want check out this website has ex drug dealers, ex LGBT members, ex alchoholics etc, all after coming to Christ.

but how do you fit in? why did you turn to religion so late in life?
Those drums are punchy and really satisfying (with some nice editing). Also like that hi-pitched ambient drone sound in the background. It's quite good overall.