A New Track

I think your drums are solid but could be nice with some switches. The overall vibe is sick and the mix is nice but maybe a bit more high but it is probably compressed on soundcloud. I just think you just need to process your sounds a bit more for your next one because they sound solid in the mix but also sound simple in terms of only subtle automation. The FX are nice. I think the end of the track should be the intro because that bass is quite nice.
Hey thanks for the feedback.

Sound design as a whole is pretty new to me, ive been trying to learn to use the serum plugin but so far nada, i really do think i could get some creative sounds out of it if i had the proper knowledge.
But thanks for the reply :)
Really, really like this. Mix is a bit muddy but some of the sounds are awesome, the chords that poke through at 27 seconds need to be made more of. Loads of potential in this one. If you would be happy to send me the stems I’d love to see if I can take it any further. Send me a pm if you are interested.
Yeah I agree with the above think about being muddy. The mixdown isn't a 100% as well. Some FX are too loud for example.
And I have to the feeling that is track is more a of a 'testing out sounddesign tune' than something else. I don't really have a cohesive feeling between the basses or track in general.
Yeah I agree with the above think about being muddy. The mixdown isn't a 100% as well. Some FX are too loud for example.
And I have to the feeling that is track is more a of a 'testing out sounddesign tune' than something else. I don't really have a cohesive feeling between the basses or track in general.

Thanks for the feedback btw,

But yeah, it basically is just that, a ''testing out sounddesign tune''.
It's why i don't name my songs either, i just like working on these little projects and uploading them too see what people think about them in general.
With this one though i had a really hard time getting it to where i wanted it to be, and the result was what you got.
I was messing with this song for a while just to see how much ''original'' sounds i could get out of myself.
It sounded interesting to me at the least.
But thank you for your honesty :)
Hey man! So after reading these comments I see that this is more of an experimental track. I feel a bit more optimistically about it though, I think your mix is very good for just starting out. Is it radio ready? Obviously not, most people work their whole lives and never achieve that. But the only way to get there is put in the work! What I would recommend is trying to make some complete tracks. It's hard, but it's the only way you'll get better. Study your biggest influences, you can learn a ton from doing that. And don't be discouraged, it takes a long mf time to get good. But again, you're off to a really good start!!

PS- that sound at 1:10 is DOPE AS SHIT. Use that in a drop breakdown.

Keep working hard!

