DnB A little WIP (neuro)

I think I know what they mean, at 2 secs you have a snare roll of 2 snares hitting right before the break. Listen to the punchyness, before and after. Ethier the kicks and bass levels are to high that it drowns out the snare. Or you have brought the levels of the snare down when the kicks come in, or if you could have compresion sidechaining backwards. The kick and snare is probably about 100hz-15khz+ so high passing them slightly, compress the bass with a teeny tiny amount of sidechain would allow the the grit of the kick/snare to show through. I'd put a 16 bar swooshing build in there too and cut it 4 bars before the break for the roll and a good smashing open high hat at the drop all to build a good tension and ride. Hope I've explained this ok and hope it helps ;)
okay, I think I get it now, I'm gong to sidechain the bass with the snare and kick to make them punch trough the mix a bit more
Cheers and thanks for the feedback guys!
no probs mate let us know how you get on. I just had to tweak my last track cos there was a high pitched squeal coming from the tweeter. It was on a rough string sample and the resonator was set to high. Is was only when I isolated that sample you could really hear it. So another tip, put an extra 20% into listening to all your sounds individually and only use your external amp to turn it up and fine tune. Peace
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