Ten Ton Beats
Ten Ton Beats
To celebrate 5 years and 50 releases an LP had to be put together, but the LP had to have adequate representation on Ten Ton Beats over the years, artists such as Samy Nicks has taken time out from his schedule to produce something for the label, Dangerous has also stepped in with a particularly weighty banger alongside Fraksure called ‘Missing in action’, even the man in the big chair at TTB Rekless has returned to the studio alongside Damageman to make something special to celebrate with a jump up tear out called ‘Be Careful’, Rekless even drafted in Dusty who submitted a very Dusty’esq banger called ‘Bug Bomb’. This LP is 16 tracks strong with each standing its own ground which is why it makes such a good mix. Some very special guests are on jingle duty giving this mix a bit of gravitas. The full LP release has been pencilled in for September so make sure you keep an eye out for it in download stores worldwide.