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    DnB SoS - Dec 2016 mixcast up

    Just in the nick of time. Novembers SoS is a patchwork of contrasting drum variations with more than my usually quota of hoover. November releases featured on this mix include tracks from... Kimyan Laws - Zawadi, Commix - Generations EP and the some remixes from BCEE's last two LP's. Other...
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    SoS - Jan 2016

    January 2016 SoS - kicking off with some trad - £1 basement vinyl bin lolz
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    SoS - Nov 2015

    Some compositions of music from some lovely people which I've stiched together for fun. Tracklisting Kimyan Law - Diaymo VIP Digital - A Message SAAL - Signs (Blu Mar Ten Remix) Royalston - The Warth of Mr Sparkes Riya and Philth - Fall Apart Spirit - 107 DJ Suv - Lost Angel Cutworks -...
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    SoS - Nov mix is Inbound

    So much fun making this months SoS mix over the weekend - here's a taster. Almost certainly better than last year... Here's last year.
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    SoS Mixcast - Oct 2015

    Tracklisting ??? - ??? (sorry - was a white label from 2003) Electrosoul System – Fake Snake feat. Roy Green and Protone DJ Marky DJ Patife Esom – So Tinha Que Ser Com Voce feat. Fernanda Porto (Cosmonautics mix) Roygreen, Protone & Mystic Trip – Lush feat. Lynu Rowpieces – Formative Years...