jump up

  1. T

    DnB Four unknown old Jump Up tracks

    Help identify the tracks. This is 2009 - 2010
  2. W

    DnB 31.12.2021 > HAPPY NEW MUSIC @ Live Stars

    DF PROMO и GMB PROMO GROUP представляют: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ HAPPY NEW MUSIC TO EVERYONE! Мы не смогли удержаться и снова (или опять, да-да) делаем новогоднюю тусовку! :) И мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нашему празднику, чтобы задать правильный тон и настроение на весь год вперед! Что будет...
  3. F

    DnB FinnHawk - First Flight (April 2005)

    I always meant to post this mix I made in 2005 that I'm really proud of. I'm really happy with the mixing and the flow. After the first track, there's some jump up style party tunes, eventually followed by some tech-step... 1. Freestylers - Boom Blast (John B Remix) 2. Salmonella Dub - Nu...
  4. K

    Jump Up track from ca. 2006-2008

    Hi! Can you please help to identify this tune? Sounds like jump-up. https://vocaroo.com/18g8VXOkNeVB Recording is from 2008. Sorry for the VERY poor sound quality. Any ideas are welcome! Some people say it sounds similar to 'Shimon vs. Sparfunk - In The Shine', but it's not that. Thanks in...
  5. Alpha Blood

    Alpha Blood - June Mix '21

    Listen on Soundcloud Tracks & Mixes YouTube Facebook TikTok TRACKLIST: Nightshift ft. Jackson Mathod - System Burn ALPHA BLOOD - HUMANKIND Joely - B-Line Mirrorman - Ski Sunday Enei ft. Jakes - Master Key Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Let The Bass Kick Nymfo - Stone Cold Turno & Skantia -...
  6. Destro Bass

    Destro presents: Priestess of the Moon Pt. 3 - Preview Clips now on Soundcloud - What you think of it?

    My next drum and bass EP preview clips on Soundcloud! Prepare yourselves for an imaginary / forward thinking drum and bass EP that has been waiting to unleash itself at the very end of our planet torn by greed and pestilence...
  7. S

    DnB Spinzo & Nightshade Society - Surface Funk

    Spinzo & Nightshade Society blend Liquid & Jump-Up Drum and Bass on this original tune titled Surface Funk. Lots of nice feels on this tune but an even amount of impact and bass. Please satisfy your sound system by pressing play. > DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE < Cheers !!!! Spinzo...
  8. Destro Bass

    2020-2021 Drum and Bass Playlists on Spotify.... Who's got new tunes they want added to it? 50+ followers and rising

    Now accepting track submissions for my 2021 dancefloor raver anthems: drum and bass playlist! *only accepting new releases atm* If you have some older releases you would like to have on my other playlists, then give me a heads up & DM me your links, & email me @ destromusic@ymail.com if you...
  9. D

    DnB Hard lockdown mix video in description

    Ez all been a tough 1 through lockdown but here's a mix to help you get through the last stretch bring on the 21st June n let's start raving again. Enjoy :) Nitro nex phaze on fb
  10. Destro Bass

    Drum and bass funny jokes / puns : let's hear them!

    I was feeling kinda bummed about not hearing DNB every weekend on a big sound system here in USA... so i figured maybe some really terrible puns and jokes might make my patience last a little bit longer before i wig out over here... I don't care if they are terrible or the best joke ever told...
  11. P

    DnB Pearsall - The United Colours of One Nation Revisited [1997 Selection]

    The United Colours of One Nation was a big One Nation rave at The Island in Ilford, East London in September 1997. I didn't go (I was only 16 at the time) but I did buy the tape pack afterwards and listen to it. And listen to it. And listen to it some more. With fond memories of that tape pack...
  12. W

    DnB 21.08.2020 ► DNB INFECTION ● Live Stars Club

    ★ DF PROMO ★ presents: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Infected with the good vibes only! После длительного перерыва мы потихоньку возвращаемся к вечеринкам, и будем рады вновь делиться музыкой и эмоциями лично, а не онлайн:) Вас ждут энергичные сеты от скучавших по публике диджеев, радость встреч с теми...
  13. W


    ★ DF PROMO ★ presents: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Весна - самое время для маленьких праздников, тем более, когда их несколько:) Приглашаем всех отметить вместе день рождения нашей хорошей подруги и тусовщицы Ани Winni и наступающее вслед за ним 8 марта. Дарим отличное настроение, любимый саунд bass...
  14. W

    DnB 28.02.2020 ► DNB FRESH ● Клуб МЬЮЗ

    ★ DF PROMO ★ presents: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Get your portion of FRESH vibes! Восьмая вечеринка DNB FRESH предлагает всем проводить зиму со свежими музыкальными коктейлями на любой вкус:) Все ингредиенты под рукой - энергичные сеты от новичков, мастерство и харизма хорошо знакомых диджеев...
  15. P

    DnB PHONEY - COOL (WIP) (Feedback for progression?)

  16. W

    DnB 27.12.2019 ► DNB FRESH: XMAS EDITION ● Клуб МЬЮЗ

    ★ DF PROMO ★ presents: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Get your portion of FRESH vibes! Jingle bells? Jingle DRUMS! Приготовьтесь попробовать порцию зимне-праздничных музыкальных коктейлей на шестой по счету вечеринке DNB FRESH: XMAS EDITION :) Все праздничные ингредиенты под рукой - освежающе-снежные...
  17. muziklova09

    Phobik (Viral-Mental Records UK) - Improper

    Brand new mix set from myself...lots of variety on this set. Made for dancing. Enjoy! Links: ------- Phobik - Improper & Phobik - Improper - Mixcloud
  18. B

    jump up track ID from brockie set on pyroradio

    looking for an ID on this brockie set if anyone knows their jump up on here. you can hear the track best from 25:16 onwards, as added to the youtube link.. any help would be much appreciated! 🙏
  19. SubliminalDJ

    DnB Keep It Hidden - Rollers & Jumpup Drum and Bass Mix (VOL. 1) by Subliminal

    Hi dnbforum, My name's Subliminal and I've just joined dnbforum looking to meet people as enthusiastic about D&B as I am. I believe I'm in the right place anyway... Send me your mixes I wanna show them love! Safe x Keep It Hidden - Rollers & Jumpup Drum and Bass Mix (VOL. 1) by Subliminal
  20. W

    DnB 23.08.2019 ► DNB FRESH ● Клуб МЬЮЗ

    VK https://vk.com/dnbfresh04 ★ DF PROMO ★ presents: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Get your portion of FRESH vibes! Мы готовы представить вам четвертую порцию свежайших музыкальных коктейлей на вечеринке DNB FRESH:) Все ингредиенты под рукой - энергичные сеты от новичков, мастерство и харизма...