half time

  1. jawa

    DnB Dacanal-Everyday Junglist Podcast

    Track list: 1 Humb - No Chill 2 Bop - Surfing The Anxiety 3 Brainstorm Cru - Feel So High 4 Charlie B - Hold On 5 Siu Mata & Amor Satyr - Tachyon Particles 85 6 Hodge - Ah bon 7 INGI - Maurier 8 Piezo - mattone 9 Toma Kami - BOH-ee 10 Sam Link - Hesitate 11 Hassan Abou Alam - Shalfata (3Phaz...
  2. jawa

    Deselecta-Everyday Junglist Podcast

    Track list: Future Forces Inc – Flash Gordon Genotype – Extra Terrestrial Dom & Roland – Burn Bright Source Direct – Stonekiller Es.tereo – Perception (Forest Drive West Remix) Pessimist & Arma – Canyon (Cern Remix) Dom & Roland – Freeze dgoHn – All The Fuckin’ As Pugilist & Tamen – Synesthesia...
  3. S

    DnB Spinzo - Rougher Than Rambo Vol.1 (MixTape)

    1 hour of action packed bass maddness starring Spinzo, a troubled and misunderstood Dj that must rely on his mixing and selection senses against the abusive law enforcement of the small town of Calgary, Canada. Spinzo Presents: Rougher Than Rambo Vol.1 (The MixTape) Jungle / Drum and Bass...
  4. Kyam_Music

    Unbidden Audio (Kyam Imprint - dark / tribal / jungle / experimental etc)

    Hi all. I've recently set up an imprint (Unbidden Audio) - focus on dark / experimental / tribal / breaks. The first release (my Underside LP) was released yesterday. If anyone wants to check it, full stream / CD / download is now up at bandcamp: https://unbiddenaudio.bandcamp.com/releases...
  5. J


  6. T

    That Thing ... with Fracture [LIV 26/01/18]

    That Thing In Liverpool on 26th Jan with... FRACTURE (https://soundcloud.com/fracture-official / http://astrophonica.co.uk/) Fracture is a connoisseur of fine cuisine and hot sauces. When he’s not in the kitchen, he can be found running the Astrophonica label and releasing on pioneering...
  7. C

    Power surge - a half-time dnb / beats track

    Hey guys, Here is my latest track called Power surge. It's a beats tune :) Give it a listen and drop a comment if you like it or think something could be changed for the better!
  8. DeeGun

    Josh-Hill - Interstellar Transmissions @ Jungletrain.net (30.9.2017)

  9. XIST

    Multi Genre Looking for similar artists to Ivy Lab.

    I'm really getting into the Future Beats/Half Time DnB mashup sound that's floating about at the moment. Looking for similar artists, so far i only know a handful of producers. Can anyone let us know some more? Things like, Ivy Lab, Sam Binga, Deft, Alix Perez, Shield, Danny Scrilla, Tehbis...