Hyroglifics - Calling / Torus on Flexout Audio

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Hello guys,

Just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you so much for contirbuting towards the project, i'm really excited to see my first vinyl being pressed to wax, a very proud moment for me!

Flexout and I are currently putting together the rest of the money needed to press the vinyl and get them sent out to you. Massive bigups for being so patient and I will send you another email when they have been pressed and are ready to be sent.


Matt Harris
Big ups! Glad you hit the target, hummed and hawed over buying a copy but I've been pretty broke, and in any case I'm pretty sure your finest work is still ahead of you.

Looking forward to hearing much more!
Big ups! Glad you hit the target, hummed and hawed over buying a copy but I've been pretty broke, and in any case I'm pretty sure your finest work is still ahead of you.

Looking forward to hearing much more!

its nothing to do with me (in case you thought it was) - I'm just trying to fight for the vinyl cause ;)
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